All you need is a web browser

Wherever you are, with Chrome, Firefox or Safari, always access securely

Requirements for online version

To use the online management system, all you need is an Internet connection and a web browser updated to the latest version on the PC you are using.

Compatible Browsers and Operating Systems:

  • Windows, Linux and Mac
  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge

If you do not have permissions to install a web browser on your workstation, contact your system administrator or IT support.

Requirements for local version

Local installation of TotalGest requires:

  • Windows or Linux platform
  • MariaDB 10.11
  • Apache web server (SourceGuardian Loader extension)
  • PHP 8.3 (TotalGest v.4.0+)
  • Minimum RAM memory 2GB

In local installations, a backup system should also be set up to ensure data recovery in case of problems.


Web browser and OS

TotalGest is compatible with updated versions of major web browsers under both Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.

  •  We recommend the use of Chrome or Firefox
  • The checkout software TotalPOS is developed in .NET and this requires installation in a Windows environment.